Upcoming Project@Bashundhara R/A
Project Name : JBS Rose Cottage
Address : Plot-432,447, Road-7 & 8, Block-H,
Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229.
Facing : South & North
Building Height : 9 Storied (G+8)
Building Type : Residential.
Total Apartment: 12 nos
Total Parking : 12 nos
Apartment Size : 2650 Sft.
Arrangement : 4 Beds, 4 Toilets, Living, F. Living, Dining,
Kitchen, maid's bed with toilet & 4 Verandas.
Tentative Handover : December 2023
** Special Features:
Md Shady Ahmed
Senior Executive, Sales & Marketing
(A Japan-Bangladesh joint venture company)
To know more, please give us a call at 01313 71 74 65
We can help you realize your dream of a new home